This listener provides search capabilities for the Crud plugin.
The Search listener depends on the friendsofcake/search package.
composer require friendsofcake/search
Attach it on the fly in your controllers beforeFilter, this is recommended if you want to attach it only to specific controllers and actions.
class SamplesController extends AppController
public function beforeFilter(\Cake\Event\EventInterface $event) {
$this->Crud->addListener('Crud.Search', [
// Events to listen for and apply search finder to query.
'enabled' => [
// Search collection to use
'collection' => 'default'
Attach it using components array, this is recommended if you want to attach it to all controllers, application wide.
class DemoController extends AppController
public function initialize(): void
$this->loadComponent('Crud.Crud', [
'actions' => [
'listeners' => [