Redirect listener

Enable more complex redirect rules.


Attach it on the fly in your controller beforeFilter, this is recommended if you want to attach it only to specific controllers and actions:

class SamplesController extends AppController {

    public function beforeFilter(\Cake\Event\Event $event) {


Attach it using components array, this is recommended if you want to attach it to all controllers, application wide:

class SamplesController extends AppController {

  public function initialize()
      $this->loadComponent('Crud.Crud', [
          'actions' => [
          'listeners' => [



A reader is a closure that can access a field in an object through different means.

Below is a list of the build-in readers you can use:

Name Pseudo code Description
request.key $this->request->{$field} Access a property directly on the Request object $this->request->data($field) Access a HTTP POST data field using Hash::get() compatible format
request.query $this->request->query($field) Access a HTTP query argument using Hash::get() compatible format
model.key $Model->{$field} Access a property directly on the Model instance $Model->data[$field] Access a model data key using Hash::get() compatible format
model.field $Model->field($field) Access a model key by going to the database and read the value
subject.key $CrudSubject->{$key} Access a property directly on the event subject

Adding your own reader

Adding or overriding a reader is very simple.

The closure takes two arguments:

  1. CrudSubject $subject
  2. $key = null
class SamplesController extends AppController {

  public function beforeFilter(\Cake\Event\Event $event) {
    $listener = $this->Crud->listener('Redirect');
    $listener->reader($name, Closure $closure);

    // Example on a reader using Configure
    $listener->reader('configure.key', function(CrudSubject $subject, $key) {
      return Configure::read($key);


Action defaults

Below is the defaults provided by build-in Crud actions:

Add action

By default Add Crud Action always redirect to array('action' => 'index') on afterSave

Name Reader Key Result Description
post_add _add array('action' => 'add') By providing _add as a post key, the user will be redirected back to the add action
post_edit _edit array('action' => 'edit', $id) By providing _edit as a post key, the user will be redirected to the edit action with the newly created ID as parameter

Edit action

By default Edit Crud Action always redirect to array('action' => 'index') on afterSave

Name Reader Key Result Description
post_add _add array('action' => 'add') By providing _add as a post key, the user will be redirected back to the add action
post_edit _edit array('action' => 'edit', $id) By providing _edit as a post key, the user will be redirected to the edit action with the same ID as parameter as the current URL

Configuring your own redirect rules

It’s very simple to modify existing or add your own redirect rules:

class SamplesController extends AppController

  public function beforeFilter(\Cake\Event\Event $event)
    // Get all the redirect rules
    $rules = $this->Crud->action()->redirectConfig();

    // Get one named rule only
    $rule = $this->Crud->action()->redirectConfig('add');

    // Configure a redirect rule:
    // if $_POST['_view'] is set then redirect to
    // 'view' action with the value of '$subject->id'
            'reader' => '',    // Any reader from the list above
            'key' => '_view',              // The key to check for, passed to the reader
            'url' => [                     // The url to redirect to
                'action' => 'view',        // The final url will be '/view/$id'
                ['subject.key', 'id']      // If an array is encountered, it will be expanded the same was as 'reader'+'key'
