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Configuration of Crud is done through the Crud component - either on the fly anywhere in you application, or by providing the configuration in the Controller::$components property.

Assuming you have followed the installation guide we will now begin the actual configuration of Crud.

Crud is loaded like any other Component in CakePHP - simply by adding it to the $components variable in the controller

class AppController extends \Cake\Controller\Controller {

  public $components = ['Crud.Crud'];


At this time, the Crud Component is loaded and ready for usage.

However, Crud has not been configured to handle any controller actions yet.


Configuring Crud to handle actions is simple.

The list of actions is provided either as Component configuration, or on the fly.

An example of Component configuration:

class AppController extends \Cake\Controller\Controller {

  public $components = [
    'Crud.Crud' => [
      'actions' => ['Crud.Index']


An example of on the fly enabling an Crud action:

class AppController extends \Cake\Controller\Controller {

  public function beforeFilter(\Cake\Event\Event $event) {
    $this->Crud->mapAction('index', 'Crud.Index');


The examples above are functionally identical, and instructs Crud to handle the index action in controllers using Crud.Index action class.


If you do not wish for Crud to be enabled across all controllers, or even use all actions provided by Crud you can pick and chose which to use. Crud will not force take-over any application logic, and you can enable/disable them as you see fit.

Action configuration


Each Crud Action have a different set of configuration settings, please see their individual documentation page for more information.

Passing in configuration for an action is simple.


In the examples below, we reconfigure the Index Action to render my_index.ctp instead of index.ctp

An example of Component configuration

class AppController extends \Cake\Controller\Controller {

  public $components = [
    'Crud.Crud' => [
      'actions' => [
        'index' => ['className' => 'Crud.Index', 'view' => 'my_index']


An example of on the fly enabling an Crud action with configuration

class AppController extends \Cake\Controller\Controller {

  public function beforeFilter(\Cake\Event\Event $event) {
    $this->Crud->mapAction('index', [
      'className' => 'Crud.Index',
      'view' => 'my_index'


Built-in actions

Crud provides the default CRUD actions out of the box.

It’s possible to create your own Crud Action as well, or overwrite the built-in ones.

Simply provide the className configuration key for an action, and Crud will use that one instead.



Each Crud Listener have a different set of configuration settings, please see their individual documentation page for more information.