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This listener allows you to easily create a JSON or XML Api built on top of Crud.


The API listener depends on the RequestHandler to be loaded before Crud

[Please also see the CakePHP documentation on JSON and XML views] (



You need to tell the Router to parse extensions else it won’t be able to process and render json and xml URL extension

// config/routes.php
Router::extensions(['json', 'xml']);

Ensure this statement is used before connecting any routes.


Attach it on the fly in your controller beforeFilter, this is recommended if you want to attach it only to specific controllers and actions

class SamplesController extends AppController {

  public function beforeFilter(\Cake\Event\Event $event) {

Attach it using components array, this is recommended if you want to attach it to all controllers, application wide

class AppController extends Controller {

  public $components = [
    'Crud.Crud' => [
      'actions' => ['Crud.Index', 'Crud.View'],
      'listeners' => ['Crud.Api']


New CakeRequest detectors

The Api Listener creates 3 new detectors in your CakeRequest object.


Checks if the extension of the request is .json or if the requester accepts json as part of the HTTP accepts header


Checks if the extension of the request is .xml or if the requester accepts XML as part of the HTTP accepts header


Checking if the request is either is('json') or is('xml')

Default behavior

If the current request doesn’t evaluate is('api') to true, the listener won’t do anything at all.

All it’s callbacks will simply return NULL and don’t get in your way.

Exception handler

The Api listener overrides the Exception.renderer for api requests, so in case of an error, a standardized error will be returned, in either json or xml - according to the API request type.

Request type enforcing

The API listener will try to enforce some best practices on how an API should behave.

For a request to index and view the HTTP request type must be HTTP GET - else an MethodNotAllowed exception will be raised.

For a request to add the HTTP request type must be HTTP POST - else an MethodNotAllowed exception will be raised.

For a request to edit the HTTP request type must be HTTP PUT - else an MethodNotAllowed exception will be raised.

For a request to delete the HTTP request type must be HTTP DELETE - else an MethodNotAllowed exception will be raised.

Response format

The default response format for both XML and JSON is two root keys, success and data.

It’s possible to add your own root keys simply by _serialize view var.


  "success": true,
  "data": {




Exception response format

The data.exception key is only returned if debug is > 0


  "success": false,
  "data": {
    "code": 500,
    "url": "/some/url.json",
    "name": "Some exception message",
    "exception": {
      "class": "CakeException",
      "code": 500,
      "message": "Some exception message",
      "trace": []


    <name>Some exception message</name>
      <message>Some exception message</message>


success is based on the event->subject->success parameter from the Add action.

If success is false a HTTP response code of 412 will be returned, along with a list of validation errors from the model in the data property of the response body.

If success is true a HTTP response code of 201 will be returned, along with the id of the created record in the data property of the response body.

HTTP PUT (edit)

success is based on the event->subject->success parameter from the Edit action.

If success is false a HTTP response code of 412 will be returned, along with a list of validation errors from the model in the data property of the response body.

If success is true a HTTP response code of 200 will be returned (even when the resource has not been updated).

HTTP DELETE (delete)

success is based on the event->subject->success parameter from the Delete action.

If success is false a HTTP response code of 400 will be returned.

If success is true a HTTP response code of 200 will be returned, along with empty data property in the response body.

Not Found (view / edit / delete)

In case an id is provided to a crud action and the id does not exist in the database, a 404 NotFoundException` will be thrown.

Invalid id (view / edit / delete)

In case a ìd is provided to a crud action and the id is not valid according to the database type a 500 BadRequestException will be thrown